UnEnchanted (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale, #1) (2025)


850 reviews61 followers

September 24, 2012

I really wanted to like this book. But the book, in my mind, had two major flaws:

1) The lack of editing. I get it. Not everybody is born a grammatical genius. That's why we have spell check and friends and editors. There were some unforgivable mistakes in word usage, punctuation, and structure. I got this as a free Kindle book, so I can't really complain, but the lack of editing jarred me out of the story on several occasions.

2) The story development. The plot should have been great. I loved the idea of a teenage girl caught in a curse of living out fairy tales, but 90% of the story is just fluff. Her best friend's iPhone and Twitter might be mentioned more times than the curse. Mina spends at least 75% of the book acting almost unbelievably insecure. We hear that there are over 200 tales for Mina to complete, but she only gets through two before the book abruptly ends. Speaking of the ending, I didn't like it. It seemed like a convenient way to tie up a bunch of loose ends with a minimal amount of effort.

    own read-in-2012 reviewed


8 reviews

November 14, 2012

I hate when a book has a really good idea, but is written poorly. This is one of those books. I will end up reading all of the series (most probably) because I like the plot line. The book on the other hand is full of editing issues and dull characters.


Author21 books7 followers

September 9, 2012

I got this as a free book for kindle, so I figured I'd read it. After all, you can't beat free right? Well, as it turns out, you can. There's probably a reason this book was free.

To start off, the book was so poorly written that I wanted to cry. There were commas where there shouldn't have been commas. There were run on sentences. The writing was mediocre at best. It made Twilight look like War and Peace, which is no easy feat.

The story line was completely unbelievable and skipped around or changed tacks so much that I just found myself massively confused. One minute, Nan and Mina would be sitting on the roof of Mina's apartment, and then, with no transition, they'd be walking down the street outside the Chinese restaurant. This would happen frequently and in the same page or even paragraph sometimes.

I could go on and on, but I'll just sum it up by saying save yourself some time and read something that's actually worthwhile.

Raina {The LUV'NV}

211 reviews38 followers

August 6, 2014

UnEnchanted is a freebie on Amazon and B&N, and since I love fairy tales and Brothers Grimm, I had to read it as soon as possible. While the story development needed some work and the editing seemed non-existent, I was sucked in, needing to know how Mina would succeed in the current round of the curse and who all the characters represented.

Unfortunately, I liked Mina's best friend, Nan, more than her. Mina is—or what has become—the typical YA female protagonist: shy, clumsy, and "ordinary" (brown hair, brown eyes, etc. etc.). Nan was fun, confident, and loyal, but more than anything, she was stronger as a character; I could feel her personality. I do have to give some benefit of the doubt to Mina because of her circumstances—her mother has been holding her and information back—and Mina does get better as the story progresses, though not by much.

But the ending was great, if not a little Grimm—and I mean that in the best way possible. For me, it raises the rating from two stars to three and makes me want to read the next book, Fairest, in the hopes that the execution gets better. (If the reviews are any indication, it does.)

Not the greatest book, but worth the read as a freebie, especially if you're looking for lots of fluff.

    fantasy freebies series-book-1s


34 reviews8 followers

February 27, 2015

I read this book in three hours. I literally couldn't stop reading! This is the first book I have ever read that was a twist to a fairy tale. Or should I say fairy tales.

So this girl, Mina, discovers that the day she saved a life is also the day that her whole life changed. She saved Brody's — I hate that name — life while on a field trip to a bakery. Mina, is shy and try's not to draw attention to herself at all times. Which makes it hard for when she becomes the center of the spotlight when she saved her crush's life.

She finds out that saving him triggered a curse that has been in her family for many generations. She basically has to go through all these fairy tales — Hansel and Gretal, Red Riding Hood, etc — and try to survive. She begins dating her crush — who happens to be every other girl's dream guy — and thinks that going through everything might be worth it. Until she sees how hard it really will be.

No one has ever gotten through all the fairy tales — which is why the descendants of the previous Grimm have to go through them — and each time a descendant goes through the tales they have to start over again. The farthest anyone got were the Grimm Brothers — the first to start the course — they got through over 190 tales before they died and even they didn't make it through all the fairy tales.

I like this book a lot but didn't like the ending. Brody — who she dated for weeks — doesn't remember being with her after she finishes one of the fairy tales. It's not like I was hoping they'd have a happy ending but still that was rough. But I personally hope she ends up with Jared. Who saved her life plenty of times. But no. All she cares about is Brody. Even though Jared nearly died trying to save her. No big deal, right? Ugh. But I'm hoping Jared will get his chance in the next book. Great book overall and definitely made me take an interest in fairy tale books.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Norah Una Sumner

875 reviews510 followers

January 3, 2016

“Not all Fairy Tales have happily ever afters. Some just have afters.”

Starting the sequel immediately.I really liked this book even though it was a bit hard for me to connect with the main character Mina.The story is very interesting and original and the supporting characters seem cool,I hope that there will be more character development for them.How cute is Charlie,tho?♥ The writing is really good,I really enjoyed reading this.

UnEnchanted (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale, #1) (6)

    adventure family-theme fantasy

Sarah Elizabeth

4,975 reviews1,375 followers

October 31, 2017

Downloaded for free from Amazon.co.uk

This was a YA fantasy story, about a girl with a curse.

Mina was an okay character, but she was nothing special. I didn’t find myself rooting for her at all, and I didn’t really care what happened to her.

The storyline in this was about Mina saving a boy at school’s life, and him then instantly falling in love with her, which wasn’t the most believable of tales. We then had Mina finding out that she was cursed, and having to live out fairy tales, which also wasn’t all that believable, and I just found the story a bit lacking.

The ending to this was okay, it didn’t really make me want to read the next book in the series though.
6 out of 10

    as fantasy freebies
August 4, 2012

I debated between how high to rank this story. As we all know by now, I love fairy tales so when I saw this title in the kindle store for free, I immediately downloaded it. All in all, I really enjoyed it and bought the sequel upon finishing it. But in all fairness I will share the good and bad...

The bad:

1. The characters are very one dimensional but I don't totally hate this. See further explanation in the good.

2. There are several grammatical errors. Not enough to distract from the story but if you are a grammar nazi this might irritate you. I view this as standard for self published books BC there is not as strict of an editing process.

3. I felt like Ms. Hahn pulled out every YA trope that is popular nowadays. There was the semi love triangle. The helpless protagonist. The brooding ethereal guy. The nurturing guy. Basically all the main characters could be replaced with ones from Twilight.

The good:

1. Taking my comments from bad #1 & 3, I could excuse these flaws because this book was short. At under 200 pages there was no time for long drawn out character descriptions. We didn't see that guy brood for 600 pages, we didn't see Mina pine and then mope for half the book. The story had to progress quickly and that's the number one thing I look for in books.

2. While Mina's character is rather helpless for most of the story it didn't seem pathetically so. I couldn't say I would feel any different in her situation and she did have a sort of mini redemption in the end. I am hoping to see that strength explored more in the next book.

3. It was a very original story that was hard to predict. While I suspected some parts, I still have no clue the role one of the characters plays.

So is it the perfect book. No. Is it a prefect summer read? For me, yes. It was exactly what I was looking for while being stuck at home sick and with a broken down car.


3 reviews18 followers

September 3, 2014

Sooo. i really enjoyed this book and can't wait to read the rest of the series.

When Mina saved Brody and she found out about the curse i was all like
UnEnchanted (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale, #1) (9)
Then after she battled the story and was kidnapped by grey tail i was all like
UnEnchanted (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale, #1) (10)
But then she was won and was safe and i celbrated like
UnEnchanted (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale, #1) (11)
And then everyone else forgot everything that had happened and Jared turned back up i was just like
UnEnchanted (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale, #1) (12)

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


47 reviews94 followers

July 10, 2015

A wonderful twist on the story of the Grimms and their fairy tales. Mina winds her way through trouble not knowing just how strong she really is. And knowing that this is only the beginning, makes this engaging book more than an enchanted series to be drawn into!!!

UnEnchanted (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale, #1) (14)

    ebooks favourites


19 reviews5 followers

December 27, 2012

Does anyone really ever consider their life a story? Other people characters? Do you believe that there is such a thing as Fate, and it is playing with us? I really liked this book, because it made me think about that.
The main character is a stereotypical heroine, and one can tell the author had that in mind. Mina is awkward, booky, shy, and completely lost to her time. She has a crush on the most popular boy in school, and is regularly made fun of. It is the atypical teenager book. Being 20, I don't really find teenager literature very promising nowadays. I read Twilight, and of course Stephanie Meyer was also going for the stereotypical heroine. In comparison though Bella didn't have any depth. The reader was given and idea of this down to earth, booky, and out of her time heroine but then she was lost in her obsessive love. It was the story that drew me in as I read UnEnchanted though, because while the characters fit the stereotypical characteristics it didn't leave me with the expected fairy tale ending.
What I dislike about fairy tales is that they're very "good always wins". It's all black and white, sugar coated, the beautiful woman always gets her happily ever after. This bothers me, because in real life there isn't just "good" and "evil". People have layers, and I dislike fairy tales for that. The Grimm Brothers are my favorite fairy tales to read, because as gory as they can be it's not that stereotypical fake happy ending. Life isn't singing to birds, and prince charming saving you when the going gets tough. Sometimes "prince charming" is going to let you down.
This was a fast read, and at times it kind of bugged me because some of it was cliche. The story was pretty original, and though Mina is whiny at times she has far more depth than many characters I've read that fit her characteristics. I was afraid there was going to be a love triangle with Mina, Brody, and Jared but though the love triangle is hinted at it does not take over the story. The characters are stereotypical, but it's a given that a character is always going to fall into some kind of stereotype.
I liked how this book doesn't really give you exactly what you want, or what a fairy tale happy ending lover would want. I like being a little disappointed, because it's our disappointments we learn the most from. Teenage Literature should be written to make teenagers question what's important in life in some way, and I felt like this book did a good job of incorporating that into the story. While Mina has a huge crush on Brody, and he's pined over quite a bit it's a far cry from Bella's obsessive love for Edward. Mina cares for her family, and friends as well. I felt that this book has the potential to make the reader think about more than boys, love, and happy endings. If one wants to actually think about what they're reading that is.


285 reviews16 followers

December 31, 2012

Read this one on my Kindle because it was free, and the name is quite ironic because this is in fact an Unfortunate fairy tale, a very unfortunate fairy tale indeed. Where to begin...

It is extremely juvenile in tone, with the main character being full of angst and rejecting/being unkind to her main romantic interest for no apparent reason whatsoever.

Said romantic interest is mentally raved about way too much by annoying main character and is way too perfect, being not only the best looking boy in the school, popular but willing to date a school misfit without any care for social status, filthy rich, and also willing to be a doormat for the main character and keep coming back repeatedly no matter how many times she rejects him flat.

The best friend of the main character is apparently considered really pretty and cool by the entire school and yet it seems that her social life consists only of hanging out with her misfit best friend (unless you count online interaction). Also, the aforementioned best friend doesn't bat an eyelash when Mina tells her that she is cursed to live in a life of Grimm fairy tale repeats until one of them kills her or until she finishes them all.

All of this is so NOT NORMAL behavior. The characters utterly killed this book for me. I couldn't even get past them to decide if I liked the plot or not because they do not act like real people. They act like characters on a page who do things only at the author's convenience for moving the plot forward. Which of course they are, but it's very unpleasant to be hit over the head with that every time one of the characters thinks something, or does something, or engages in dialogue with another character.

I now conclude this review with every intention of pretending that this book never happened. Trust me, it's better that way.

Anna (Enchanted by YA)

361 reviews426 followers

July 27, 2015

This book took me back to the time when I was getting into reading religiously again; when I downloaded any and every book that I could find for free on my kindle. It means that my opinion is quite biased even though now as a more experienced reader I found faults which I didn’t before.

That’s also why I’m making this a shorter review than normal because I don’t want to mark those memories with critiques that never mattered to me back then.

Basically I love this book.

The writing may not be award-winning and the characters not dramatically deep, but it was a hell of an enjoyable read. I flew through it without realising where the time went because it simply sucks you in. The plot with its twist on fairy tales captured my imagination being something so unique that even now, years later, I haven’t seen before. Its magical aspect merged beautifully with the real world making it the perfect light read to take you away for the few hours it takes to read.

The characters aren’t perfect I’ll admit, and not just in the way they were written, yet because of it they felt all the more real. Mina was such an easy character to relate to with her clumsiness and bad luck (we’ve all had that embarrassing moment… or several…) Her best friend Nan was also great because back when I didn’t have so many friends these characters took me away from that reality, which is something I’ll always treasure.

UnEnchanted (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale, #1) (18)

Posted on: http://enchantedbyya.blogspot.co.uk/

    beautiful-writing coverly-love great-characters


629 reviews70 followers

July 22, 2012

The dialogue is immature, the characters two-dimensional and the plot is uneventful. I seriously can't believe how this story turned out. I think it could have been better with a planned out execution of the characters, plot and dialogue. I get this is a YA novel and the teenagers will act as such, but this seriously lacked an sense of realism. I couldn't relate to Mina at all. She's clumsy, whiny and the most insecure heroine I think I've ever read about. I couldn't stand how low and down she was on herself. Talk about depressing. The hero(es) Brody and Jared were ok but not fleshed out at all. I'm not even sure who the true hero of the story is supposed to be considering we meet Jared about halfway through the book and he only shows up to irritate Mina and tell her some things about what's going on but not enough. Brody is the typical hot teen guy who is richer than hell and way off limits so of course he'd become enamored with Mina because he just does. *sigh*

The plot twists were stupid. Here I'm thinking this is strictly related to fairy tales and then big surprise, there's another group of enchanted characters involved. Not sure how this other species of characters relates to fairy tales but what do I know. I'm amazed I finished this because it got to the point of ridiculous with no hope of redeeming itself. So, no, I won't be continuing this series because of all the grammar errors, story inconsistencies and ridiculousness involved. Wish I could get back the hours I wasted reading this. It amazes me that anyone got any enjoyment out of reading this.

    ebooks own-a-copy


8 reviews

February 26, 2013

A twist on the well-known Brothers Grimm stories comes a radical story of a girl who is a descendant of the Grimm family. Mina Grime was taught to stay out of the spotlight and if by any chance she did start gaining notice, her mother would pack up the family’s belongings and move to a new location. From there, they would start fresh and Mina would go unnoticed until she saved her crush’s life.
It was just another miserable day for Mina. She woke up late, almost missed her bus (again), and had a picture of her running after the bus tweeted by her best friend Nan to the whole student body! The day just didn’t seem to possibly get any worse until she saved Brody Carmichael’s life. Or had she almost killed him?
This story is a fast paced on that involves the search for the Grimoire book which will help Mina figure out how to fight the Story and save her life as well as her mother and brother’s. Her father wasn’t able to beat the Grimm curse, will she? Of course, she will need a little bit of help to prepare her against the wolf pack and just at the right moment her help comes; Jared. And to think that all this started because of one innocent field trip.
I truly could not put this book down! It seemed that every time you turned the page, some new phenomenon occurred. Quite an intriguing viewpoint twist on all the many stories you grew up on as a kid. Really love how Chanda Hahn adjusts the stories to fit into a modern day life. Definitely worth the read!


30 reviews2 followers

March 7, 2013

While the original version had some editorial challenges, the overall tone of this book transcends the slight inconveniences of having to read around them. Having been in communication with the author, I learned that her primary goal is to provide juvenile fiction that we would actually want our youth to be reading (no sex, foul language, or overt violence). Sometimes, it is necessary to give up one thing to get another, and in the early days of the Unfortunate Fairy Tale series, it was necessary to skip on the cost of editorial services to be able to provide the book at a very low cost or even free.

I personally found the book excellent even having first read a version with editorial issues. With those issues now resolved, this book would speak to anyone who enjoys a fairy tale, or a romance, regardless of age.

An excellent read, and far more age appropriate than many of the series that are touting themselves as "young adult" fiction these days. I would particularly recommend it for parents that are looking for a suitable alternative to the series featuring sparkly vampires that was chock full of inappropriate sex and violence...


Kathy * Bookworm Nation

2,115 reviews671 followers

January 21, 2016

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this one. I had seen a few good reviews and it was free for my Kindle so I thought I’d give it a try. I love fairy tales and thought it was fun to see how they were interwoven into this story. Mina was a likable heroine. She was special, but didn’t know it yet. Her mom to try and protect her had tried to encourage her to NOT stand out. Mina always thought she was a klutz and didn’t mind not being noticed. Then one day on a field trip she saved the hottest guy in school, Brody, from falling over a railing. By saving Brody she sets forth a chain of events that literally changes her life. It turns out that Mina is related to the Brothers Grimm, and the fairy tales from their stories are real. Mina has to live each of the fairy tales and complete the stories in order to break a curse on her family.

I liked the side characters, Nan, Brody, Jared and little Charlie. I think there is a lot more going on with Nan that what we’re given and I’m looking forward to seeing what happens with her in future books. I liked Brody, a lot. At times it did feel that he talked and acted a lot older than sixteen, but he was still really likable. I was surprised by how his story played out. Jared was interesting. I wasn’t sure if there was supposed to be a love-triangle and I’m not sure which side Jared is on. I’m curious to see what happens with him in future books. I think I’m still on Team Brody though, even though I don’t know what will happen with him now.

I thought the book was well written; I got sucked in and thought it flowed well. I admit, some of the POV changes were a little choppy. We’d be in Mina’s head and then suddenly in Brody’s, for like a paragraph, and then back in Mina’s. I think the transitions could have been a little better. I actually, for once, did like hearing things from Brody, Nan and Jared’s POV.

Overall, if you like fairy tales you’ll enjoy this one. I think it will be a fun series and I look forward to reading more. I liked the cover and I also liked that it was clean!

Content: Clean. A bit of fairy tale violence.

Reading Order:
Book One: Unenchanted
Book Two: Fairest

    2012 fairytale-or-princess fun-series


588 reviews39 followers

November 21, 2012

I got this book as a free ebook from Barnes and Noble. Being the cheapskate/frugal person I am decided to not pass up on a free book. I didn't know what to expect from it, but after finishing it I am completely taken with the story and am looking to get the sequel to it (which unfortunately I have to buy but luckily it's under $5).

It's a twist on the whole 'modern boy/girl who is a part of the Grimm family line and must contend with creatures from the fairytale world'. It has a unique concept and was very well written. Loved the heroine Mina, who is, grant it the cliched 'awkward, clumsy, unpopular girl in high school', but she's so endearing you can't help but pull for her. There's a nice mix of humor, courtesy of her best friend Nana (who is the current prototypical teen who loves to text and is constantly obsessed with Twitter) and Mina's younger brother Charlie (who doesn't speak and loves to eat a bowl of different types of cereals). There's also a touch of romance, which by the end of the book you have to feel for Mina considering how everything turned out. Although I get the sense of a Twilight-like love triangle between Mina, Brody (the popular guy in school), and Jared (the mysterious boy who seems to know what is going on and tries to help Mina in his own rude way).

Overall, this is a great book with a good flow that will keep your interest. It manages to pack a lot of story in this short book. I would recommend this book if you're looking to be preoccupied for a couple of hours or for a day or two. Looking forward to the next book.

    love-story-romance paranormal-supernatural-magic

Öznur (kendimizeaitbiroda)

395 reviews49 followers

March 18, 2021

Masal uyarlaması denildiğinde akan sular duruyor benim için. Lanetli Masal’ın konusunu okuduğumda da inanılmaz heyecanlanmıştım bu yüzden. Ve daha fazla beklemek istemeyip başladım seriye.
Mina Grime, 15 yaşında, annesi ve küçük kardeşi Charlie ile yaşıyor. Ve sürekli talihsizlikler yaşadığı için şanssız olduğuna inanıyor. Bu talihsizliklerin yanı sıra bazen de tuhaf olaylar başına geliyor. Ve böyle olunca da annesi hemen bavulları toplayıp yer değiştirmelerini sağlıyor. Fazla göze batmadan, çoğunlukla da yalnız bir yaşam sürüyor aslında. Fakat sonunda hem bu talihsizliklerinin hem de sürekli bir kaçış halinde olmalarının ardındaki gerçekleri öğreniyor. Mina’nın soyadı aslında Grime değil, Grimm’dir ve Grimm Kardeşler’in torunlarından biridir. Her şeyin nedeni aileyi lanetleyen bir büyüdür ve lanetin bozulabilmesi için, Masal adındaki bu büyünün seçtiği kişi tüm masalları yeniden tamamlamak zorunda kalır. Buradan sonra da Mina’nın lanete karşı verdiği savaşı okuyoruz.
Öncelikle kurgunun genelini çok sevdim. Mina’nın laneti kaldırabilmek için masalları tamamlamasının gerekmesi, masalların günümüze uyarlanıp karakterleri olaylara dahil etmesi gerçekten çok güzeldi. Hatta çok fazla masalın tamamlanması gerektiği için devam kitapları için ayrıca heyecanlıyım. Daha fazla masala asla hayır demem.🙃 Ama anlatımı biraz fazla sade ve basit geldi bana açıkçası. Ama bu sayede de inanılmaz akıcı olmuş kitap.

“Ama, Nan, eğer peri masallarına inansaydım etrafta beni şu acınası hayatımdan kurtaracak harika bir prens olması gerekmez miydi?”
“Yani, öyle tabii...” diye karşılık vermek istedi Nan.
“Boşver gitsin. Sonsuza kadar mutlu olmak diye bit şey yok. Anneme baksana - iki çocuklu dul bir kadın olarak temizlikçilik yapıyor, görmüyor musun? Bunun neresi mutlu son?” Mina çikolatalı sütünü açıp bir yudum aldı. “Peri masalı diye bir şey yoktur.” Bir fırtına gümbürtüsü daha metal tavanı sallayınca, Mina mor ceketinin üstüne çikolatalı sütü döktü. Hemen ardından çatıya vura vura bardaktan boşalırcasına yağmur yağmaya başladı.
“Şimdi ne demek istediğimi anladın mı?” Mina ıslak kapüşonunu çekiştirirken eline bir deste peçete alıp ortalığı temizlemeye koyuldu. “Ben sonsuza kadar ezik olmaya mâhkumum.”
“Aslında, Mina,” dedi Nan, eline üstüne krema bulaşmamış peçetelerden alıp arkadaşına yardımcı olmaya çalışırken. “Her masal mutlu sonla bitmez. Hatta bazılarının sonu kötüdür.”

Ayrıca, benim için biraz da hızlı gibiydi her şey. Mina’nın ve sonrasında arkadaşı Nan’in gerçekleri öğrenmesi, kabullenmesi, Mina’nın başlarda çizdiği profilden sonra bir anda olaya dahil olmasındaki cesareti falan derken biraz hızlı buldum bu geçişleri. Tabii bu durumlar karakterlerin 15 yaşında olmalarından da kaynaklanıyor olabilir, belki daha büyük olsalardı daha olgun bir karakter sergileyebilirlerdi ve olaylar daha gerçek hissettirebilirdi. Ama yine de serinin daha çok başındayız, umuyorum ki önümüzdeki kitaplarda hem yazarın anlatımı gelişir hem de karakterlerin göstereceği gelişim bizi mutlu eder. Aslında kitabın sonlarında biraz daha iyi gibiydi. Yani devam kitapları için fazlasıyla umutluyum.
Yeni yeni fantastik okumaya başlamışsanız ve çok yoğun fantastik evrenlere hemen giriş yapmak istemiyorsanız bence Lanetli Masal güzel bir seçim olacaktır.
Ayrıca kitabın sonunda Jared’ın hikayesinin anlatıldığı novella da var. Ben gördüğümde gerçekten çok sevindim.😍 Genellikle novellalar çevrilmediği için serilerde hep bir eksiklik kalıyor bana göre.🙊 Zaten Jared da hikayemiz için önemli bir karakter, onun hikayesindeki detayları öğrenmek çok güzel oldu bence.
Arayı çok açmadan ikinci kitabı okumak istiyorum. Devamında neler olacak çok merak ediyorum.❤️


63 reviews3 followers

August 27, 2016

When I saw UnEnchanted in the iBooks store I thought....What the heck?!?! It's only 99 cents. After reading it, I know that this is the type of novel that deserves to be on the shelf of every Paranormal Romance and YA Literature fan.

As I read UnEnchanted I was completely immersed in the story. Chanda Hahn managed to create some of the most likeable and relatable characters I've read about in a long time. I felt like I was on the journey with Mina. Mina is every girl! She's quiet and likes to blend in but she born to stand out.

I was impressed with the flow of this book. I couldn't stop reading until I finished Mina's story. I needed to know what was coming next! I was so drawn to her character...every time Mina felt pain, I did too. Every emotion she felt, I was with her.

Readers will want to be Mina. They'll want to have a best friend like Nan. And they'll definitely want a Brody Carmichael! They'll even want a Jared.

I've read things about the spelling and grammar errors in UnEnchanted....Keep in mind that this is a self published book. Chanda Hahn is a rock star for releasing UnEnchanted to the world! Those little flaws are easy to forget when the story is great and this one is! Also, her blog says that UnEnchanted edits are pending and will be corrected soon.

Buy this book! Read it, fall in love with the characters, and dream about what's next for Mina. I know I did and will! I can't wait for the next book in the series.


25 reviews13 followers

June 12, 2013

okay so this was just a free book on my kindle.... so hey why not.buy it I thought! so I did!

OMG!!! it was soooooooooooo good! if you happen to like fairy tales ( and a little romance) then READ this! and ..... the ending was like " wh-wh- what?!! nooo!" it felt like it just stops like its in the middle of a chapter! and also ( I am emotional in books remember.) I like cried to.... not balling, but it was just sad. and why am I telling you that?!! I have no idea! so pretend I never said that stuff and trust me when I say, this was amazing!!!!!

    2013-books favorites

Shelly Hammond

1,804 reviews

March 25, 2013

I absolutely love this book. This is one that was offered as free so I grabbed it up figuring I would read it one day and give it a shot. WOW! I am so glad I did. I do believe I have found one to add to my favorites list.

I love fairy tales and books that twist fairy tales up, though there are times when such books become just plain silly or done so many times before that you just get bored. This is not one of those books. This book has a very unique storyline based on the Grimm legends and curse. The author created a truly unique, fun, interesting, edge-of-your-seat, new take on the old tales and I was completely hooked after the first chapter. I literally spent the day reading this book, breaking only to refill my coffee and use the little girl's room after drinking said coffee (which is likely a little over-share there).

I won't give anything away with this book but I will say that I highly recommend it to anyone who likes fairy tales and the Grimm tales. I really loved this book and was pleasantly surprised when I read it. I'm very excited to get the next in the series and will be checking Amazon frequently in hopes that more are written because I loved it so much I want more! Excellent story!


59 reviews6 followers

March 21, 2012

The story premise was fine. What the book needed was a proper editor and proper formatting. The story jumped between POVs in odd intervals, the pacing was off, and the dialogue rarely brought depth to any character. A well crafted piece of dialogue should be relaying the information that the author then spent time detailing. At best it was like being told the same thing twice.

Can we get over the simpering love-struck "heroine" please? While the story could have been exceptionally good, it was ruined for me by paranormal romance cliches that every self publishing YA author seems to be clinging to as their hopes to a movie deal. There is some real promise in the writing and the concept, but it is one I would want to read more of after a well-seasoned YA editor helped the author work out the kinks.


Author2 books206 followers

August 11, 2020

2nd time reading:
Oh my word, it's so amazing to see how Mrs. Hahn, from the beginning, was laying down hints and slight oversites into the next few books. I loved re-reading this book because I understood how the little details played into the next books in this series. I cannot wait to finish re-reading this whole, amazing series!! Seriously though I have to say that Jared is by far my all-time favorite character in this book. I know that Broody was my go-to man last time I read this one, but Jared is just so well Jared. *sighs*

    5-star-books all-time-favorites books-to-buy


92 reviews43 followers

June 11, 2018

This was a YA novel I found for free on IBooks..... it was a sweet coming of age book, that I enjoyed reading, I noticed it’s a first in a series, may or may not read them....too many on my list!


2,741 reviews5,997 followers

July 19, 2017

This one has been on my to read list for a long time and I finally got around to reading it. Well actually listening to it on Overdrive. Even better my 11 year old daughter came into the room and got hooked as well so we listened to it together yesterday while doing a puzzle. We both enjoyed it.

Content: Clean



54 reviews45 followers

February 14, 2019

why did I think revisiting a book from my early-teens was a good idea?

I must say till this day the concept of this series is really intriguing. However, the writing, the characters (especially the protagonist) and the plot are definitely not. Mina is a really annoying, whinny and cliche character who should be erased from eternity. Even when I read this book for the first time, I disliked her passionately as the main character, and my reread (a quick skim-through filled with constant eye-rolling and the urge to hit my head against the wall, repeatedly) just intensified that dislike.

Anyway, without ranting too much, I'm giving this book 1 star because RIP my brain cells.


Sometime in 2013
Original rating by my thirteen-year-old-emo-and-nonreader-self: 5 stars

    kindle re-read-pile


4,441 reviews70.3k followers

February 15, 2017

2.5 stars

It was a freebie, so I'm not inclined to complain.

The idea for the plot was excellent, but it could have used a bit more editing...still, it was free. Not complaining.

Mina is living under (her ancestors) the Grimm Brothers' curse. This means she needs to survive all of the fairy tales in order to break the cycle that has been killing off members of her family for generations.

It kept me interested, but I thought the ending was a bit jarring.
I would probably continue with this series, but only if my library gets copies of the other books.

    fairytale nook read-in-2013

David Rose

Author7 books53 followers

February 23, 2018

A great concept with characters that I liked, the Grimm curse descends upon Mina in a modern setting. There are enough editing and proofing flaws that I have to mention the fact, but the story is strong enough for me to want to continue with the series in spite of that.

Granted, some of the characters were on the flat side, even clichés. But Mina herself is an original construct, and her home life is realistic. The plot is unpredictable, ranging in tone from juvenile to epic fantasy to action, sometimes with abrupt changes, but for me the effect of all this was to raise the tension as I wondered what would happen to Mina in the end. I loved some of the ways in which the curse revealed itself, and this device allowed the author to take some liberties with the story line, most notably the ending, which was a little abrupt.

On Goodreads this should really be a three-star review - but, for Chanda Hahn's wonderful concept and her well-executed cross-over between fairy-tale fantasy and contemporary YA, I'll raise it to four. I'll even buy the next book!

    fairy-tale fantasy indie

Barbi Faye (The Book Fae)

660 reviews13 followers

August 21, 2016

Mina Grime is a quiet, unlucky teen that always seems to have the worst, most unusual luck, part of a family that moves often. Today she is late for a field trip day with her class to "Babushka Bakery", and through a series of unfortunate accidental events, her crush becomes tripped up on the gangway, yet she ends up epically saving his life. Now, she is being written up in the newspaper and being interviewed on television. At home, her mom is upset and paranoid, wanting only to move again. Her mom sends her to Brody's house with a packet for his mom, and Brody accidentally drove over her bike. Embarrassed AF, she runs home.

Her mom tells her about the Grimm's Curse, how each generation is chosen to live it out, and each generations actions change the outcome. that is why the stories keep changing through history. If you survive all the Story will be satisfied; the Grimm brothers came close at 190, her mom tells her. But there are over two hundred stories. She was trying to protect her, but it has come regardless.

Brody picks her up, and he drives her to school; and he sits with her at lunch and after school, no matter how much she is grumpy and embarrassed. After doing research in the library, he takes her out for burgers. He expresses to her that he likes that she is a real girl that he can relax and be himself around. He's unhappy with the fake girls, too; he likes her and wants to spend time with her.

Mina is attacked by an evil man, with a tattoo of a wolf on his chest, while she leaves the library. Then, when doing her laundry, whatever she washes, always comes out red. Even when she gets something brand new. It's the Story working, she says. While she is exploring within one story, that of the Stag and Bull, She finds Grimoire, a book that seems to shape and shift to her needs and thoughts. She is accosted again by Wolfman, and she's gratefully helped by a young stranger named Jared, a vague young teen who knows about the Curse and the Grimoire. The next day, he enrolls in her school.

Brody takes her out to eat and takes her home to a wrecked apartment. Fearing that her mom will freak out she swiftly cleans up the mess. When her mom arrives home, she invites Brody to stay for dinner, but that's when she drops the big ass bomb...! Sara basically says to Brody that he is not worthy of Mina, and that he should not judge our family's Curse, and then he leaves! Ass! He just jumped to the top of mah Dookie List...! He returns later with kisses for Mina, saying that he was uncertain. Yeah... but still...

Jared shows up as well, and he takes Mina out on is motorcycle, ya baby, and she listens to explanations of Grimm's Curse. She sees him use Fae magic on two large branches to turn them into swords. The Fae Plane lies in between the Physical and Spiritual Planes. It is where Story resides. Over time, hundreds of Fae have crossed to the Physical Plane and have run amok. The Grimm Brothers had found out about this and found a gate and confronted the Fates, telling them to return them to their Plane Even the Fates love games and are addicted to emotions and energy; they have none of their own. Given as the Fae love stories, they issued a quest based on their favorite stories; the Grimm Curse. (Wow, Team Jared?!)

So, by the end of the story, she and Nan are captured by Claire, who runs Babushka's and they are taken there, and she has been taking the emotions and energies from young men to stay alive, ala cougar. Claire is demanding revenge and recompense from the book; she wants her story in the Grimoire, but it doesn't happen as Nan takes her part in the story. The story ends! So does everything; Brody protects her as there is a powerful vortex, strong enough to suck up all around it including Lonetree and Claire, and the book pops shut.

Mina feels a ginormous build up of power emanating from the Grimoire, and it knocks everyone on their asses as it releases. As the group sit up, it is quite apparent that they have forgotten everything...! Horrifically, Brody is not her date, let alone even her boyfriend. Babushka's has never been open. Her and Nan are stag at prom, and everything that happened was a "prank". Not even Nan remembers anything; no one remembering why they were at the ruins of a bakery when they should be at prom, as they take their limo there. Mina knows what happened; she remembers. At lunch the next day, she is chatting with Nan, and she feels power, she turns and finds Jared.

Oh yeah! I called it! Team Jared; he's hot, he's Fae, he smart, he'll help fight those bad dudes! It was a great little read--I liked it! Mina is my daughter's name so I liked that too! I got a free e-review copy, so I hope I can get more. I didn't care for the supporting characters so much like Brody and Sara, Mina's mom, they weren't well written or developed, but I loved Mina and Jared-- they were very well done. So, what I wanna know is does she fill this Grimoire with over two hundred stories, when in this novel she only gets to three stories...hmmm!?

    fantastical-faes fantasy-fiction paranormal-pages
UnEnchanted (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale, #1) (2025)
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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Views: 6062

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.